Spot the difference: the Homer Valley in the 1920s and 2010s

I am working on a number of pages on my site on the Milford Road and Milford Sound in south-west New Zealand - the eighth wonder of the world according to Kipling and certainly one of the most amazing places I have ever visited.


I took the photo below in March 2014. Imagine my surprise when I came across the photo below mine (taken in the 1920) on the brilliant Alexander Turnbull Library site in NZ.


The composition of both photos - completely by chance or an ingrained photographic aesthetic that has changed little in 90 years - is almost identical and the scene is little chaged.


Even the detail of the rocks on the ridge lines is remarkably similar attesting to the hardness of the rock and slow pace of erosion even in this area with over 6 metres of rainfall a year.

McPhersons Falls and Homer Hut  from the bed of the Hollyford River with soouth-eastern spur of Mt McPherson (1,931m) and the Homer Saddle on the left from the Milford Road.
McPhersons Falls and Homer Hut from the bed of the Hollyford River with soouth-eastern spur of Mt McPherson (1,931m) and the Homer Saddle on the left from the Milford Road.
By complete chance the photo above and this one are almost the same but separated by nearly 100 years. View looking up the Homer Valley, showing the Homer Hut in the foreground, photographed in the 19
By complete chance the photo above and this one are almost the same but separated by nearly 100 years. View looking up the Homer Valley, showing the Homer Hut in the foreground, photographed in the 1920s by Algernon Gifford (Turnbull Collection - click)

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