Against the white of the sea-scoured cliff
Blowing offshore at the Ness, St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
The end of a day of cold North-westerlies in St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
Setting-sun wave at the Ness, St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
They may come, but they will not prosper, St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
The line, St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
Reverse swell on the north-westerly gale. St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
The pool, the fall, the might on the incoming tide.St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
Beach. House. St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
Dirtied up: the pool, the fall, the might on the incoming tide.St Margaret's Bay, November 21 2015.
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